Trump Movie Villain Coloring Book

Trump Movie Villain Coloring Book

Donald Trump is a Villain and a Criminal

Donald Trump IS a Villain BECAUSE he’s a Criminal. And he’s been crime-ing in plain view for decades. That’s why the people of New York hate him and warned us all before the 2016 election. He’s used other people’s money (can you say Russia) to live lavishly even as his businesses fail again and again and again–leaving small business owners and contractors to just pennies on the dollar for their products and hard labor.

Donald Trump is amoral. He serves himself and his super-rich dictator pals: Putin the Putrid, Mohammed Bone Saw and Kim Jong-undeserving. His catastrophic handling of Covid has led to 1,000,000 Americans dying. He hates women, people of color, and anyone who identifies as LGBTQ. He continues to spew lies about the 2020 election KNOWING he lost. And America is still under assault by this man! 

He’s every movie villain I grew up with: Trumpzilla (Godzilla), Trumpenstein (Frankenstein), TrumpFace (Batman), Darth Trump (Star Wars), Nagus Trump (Star Trek), Scut Trump (A Christmas Story), Biff Trump (Back to the Future), Scrooge Trump (A Christmas Carol), Grinch Trump (duh!), and King Donald Dong (King Kong, obviously). He is mean-spirited and ugly, inside and out. It’s time the villain got his due. 

The entire country and many in the world are on pins-and-needles watching Trump launch an all-out assault on logic, reason and the people of this great nation. The state of Georgia in on the verge of indicting him for his attempts to overturn the 2020 election. The state of New York might beat them to it due to campaign finance violations relating to having an affair while married. At least 82 million of us (Joe Biden voters) have the champagne on ice, but an indictment is just the beginning. Villains get what they deserve and Donald Trump–in any of this movie villain forms–in NOT above the law. 

This Trump Villain Coloring Book might give you a bit of pleasure as the chaos continues to unfold. Color up a storm as we continue to watch and wonder if Democracy will survive. Sounds like a bad movie plot, doesn’t it?! If only it were. 

Get it on Amazon, $4.99. #affiliate #AFYourLife

All the drawings were adapted from the amazing color renderings of ZT Droc.


Trump is Unfit to Lead

Trump lied about being number one on Facebook.

“Did you hear I’m number one on Facebook? They just told me I’m number one on Facebook. I thought that was very nice. For whatever it means, it represents something.” Donald John Trump, April 1, 2020.

Unbelievable!!! On April Fool’s Day, no kidding. Irony died way before Covid-19 but this adds another layer to Trump’s narcissism. It means absolutely NOTHING at this point in history—when people are dying all around us! We’ll break down Trump’s incompetence in a moment, but first a tribute to a Republican coward who saw it coming.

As Ms. Lindsay “I do declare” Graham said May 13, 2016,

“If we nominate Trump, we’ll get destroyed…and we’ll deserve it.”

He meant the Republican party, but the prophecy is coming true for all of us. Trump IS a path of destruction. Everything Trump touches dies. Shout out to @RickWilson He wrote the book.  

What is so utterly astounding is where Trump shared this…delusion…this fantasy of being #1 on Facebook…(which he probably paraphrased and inferred after one of  Mark Zuckerberg’s lying, ass-kissing visits to the White House. Turns out I was right.) **If you want to know more about Zuckerberg and Trump, click here for the Not-So-Way-Back-Blog about that.

Trump celebrated and shared his Facebook news at a Coronavirus Task Force briefing. Which was NOT REALLY about Coronavirus at all.

Trump has some kind of drug-smuggling alternative plot-line he’s trying to throw into the mix before commercial—we won’t bother to break that down. #FFS

Don’t be distracted!

There are 5,500 US deaths; 53,000 deaths worldwide!

It will take world leadership to get through the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020. Tragically, that’s something we don’t have. Trump is unfit for the role. He never rose to the occasion, there was never a pivot. He’s inept and moronic. He’s unteachable. He “had a hunch” the disease wasn’t as bad as everyone said it was. Finally, Trump is beginning to pay attention. The White House is actually predicting between 100,000-240,000 people, Americans, will die. Over 2.2 million will contract coronavirus. As I sit in my bedroom writing this (thanks to the leadership of Governor Jared Polis–whom I voted for–who’s issued a state-wide shut-in), it’s unfathomable to believe those numbers could be true. 100,000 Moms, Dads, Sons, Daughters, Aunts, and Uncles, Grandmas and Grandpas; beloved wives, husbands, partners, friends, colleagues. My fingers can barely move forward. I pause and grieve for souls leaving the planet and for those they leave behind.

It’s this grief that compels me. We MUST vote Donald Trump OUT of office in November. The fear was and is real. Trump is unfit to lead.

Trump knew months ago, but he ignored warnings by his National Security Council, the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, his White House economists, and his friend President Xi from China among others! He ignored it. Why? Because he only wanted the “job” of President for the recognition. He never understood the job or had any intention of the doing the job. For him, the presidency is about power and money and media and messaging. And indulging his own diapered-ass whims as he tries to rewrite history. Truth is,

He went golfing 7 friggin’ times! THAT’S MILLIONS OF TAX PAYER DIMES. I’m not the only one who noticed.  

Trump held 9 hate-filled rallies and called the Coronavirus a Democratic hoax. NO ONE in the White House could get him to take it seriously. What was Trump focused on?

Money. The economy. The stock market. Trump only paid attention when the markets started crashing with the news of THOUSANDS OF DEATHS IN ITALY. By that time, we’d had our first case of Coronavirus and we knew what was coming. All the alarms were ringing, they simply could NOT get Trump to pay attention.  

CURRENTLY, our healthcare professionals need Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and medical supplies to handle this pandemic: masks, gloves, goggles, gowns to cover our caregivers. There are not enough ventilators for the sick. WHY?

BECAUSE TRUMP SENT OUR BACKUP PPE TO CHINA AND DIDN’T REPLENISH THE STOCK! WHY? And he’s not using the process, procedures, or people around him to help.

BECAUSE TRUMP IS INCOMPETENT. HE IS GROSSLY UNFIT TO LEAD. Right now he should be coordinating the efforts of securing ventilators and distributing them to every state. INSTEAD, he’s playing Governors Apprentice where Red States are favored over Blue States and Governors are expected to talk nice and “be appreciative” or needed supplies fall out the back of a delivery truck or masks sneak out the back door, you know what I mean? Those nurses are making bank off N95 mask sales. Everyone is Trump world—especially Trump is looking to make a buck.   

Fuck you, Donald Trump, you sad sack. (If you haven’t been paying attention, Trump is accusing medical personnel of stealing supplies even as he’s giving our stockpile to private distributors to sell—at maximum profits– to the States–Survivor style! Of course MONEY being the main criteria for survival.) Trump is projecting once again. Projecting and assigning blame. Anyone and everyone but him. He’s pointing fingers.

In the meantime, our doctors, nurses, first responders—the best of the best–are UNPROTECTED and expected to work without regard to their safety. Some are even getting notices of pay cuts!

We’ve lost two doctors and two nurses so far that I know of; the other countries have lost dozens. It’ll be in the hundreds, let’s hope not thousands of medical personnel and first responders, succumbing to the disease they are working so hard to save us from.

To our Caregivers. Big pause and big breath. Our super heroes. Please nod your head and take a moment.

… Now, back to the point, the disbelief and determination that drives me! And obviously others, from the looks of this cartoon. Who cares you think you’re #1 on Facebook!

Jesus, Trump. Take some Focsyn and get to work!!


After declining tests from the World Health Organization, Trump’s got Jared and cronies working ways to score a buck but they haven’t got those millions of tests promised to market yet. WE MUST HAVE TESTS AND SUPPLIES AND PROTECTIVE GEAR!

That 10-weeks Trump spent golfing and belching lies across the country, he could have been preparing, but he didn’t. He gambled America wouldn’t get it. He’s right on track to bankrupt and destroy the country…just like Lindsay said he’d do.

I’d feel sorry for him IF his incompetence wasn’t costing so many lives. I’m waaay beyond caring that he’s ill. He doesn’t get a pass on this. He’s lack of response and self-absorption, his need to get re-elected and stay in power will cost so many lives. His negligence and lack of leadership is astounding.   

And no one believes he’s #1 on Facebook: He’s NOT! #ffs

Barack Obama has 53.2 million Facebook followers. Trump has 26.8 million. That makes him about ½ the man BO is…IF I were callous enough to use numbers as the determiner. It doesn’t take numbers to know Trump will never outrank Obama as the best “anything” of value: compassion, intelligence, leadership, direction, vision, love, good-cheer, hope, and the ever-driving belief that YES WE CAN. This Obama tweet got 1.65 million engagements and displays his kindness and goodness. Obama continues to lead and inspire a nation. And in regards to Trump, as BO said, “Don’t boo. Vote!”

And back to the point. Trump is unfit to lead the United States of America. He doesn’t have the knowledge or understanding of how government works. There is a REASON you can’t operate the government as a business. A successful businessman would know that, but Trump is not even that! He’s a conman and the con is up. Coronavirus is exposing Trump for the loser that he is.

Please, everyone, #RememberInNovember and vote Trump OUT!

In the meantime: hug your loved ones (if you’re not intentionally distancing), send your friends a message or do a video chat. Help a healthcare professional if you know one, drop-off a note and a can of soup to a neighbor. Say a prayer for our world, for the planet and all its people.

Open your eyes, dust off worry, get involved. Stay well my friends

Lima Bravo, #LoquaciousLima #RememberInNovember #VoteForDems #TrumpVirus

Trump Puts Money Over Lives

As the coronavirus rages from Washington State to New York City, Trump’s concern is for the economy, not your loved ones.

The Trump sycophants are arguing for risking the lives of Americans just to get money pumped back into the economy. Google “Texas Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, 69.” The majority of deaths will be grandparents but people of all ages, races, and religions will die. No one will be spared and the numbers left grieving will be staggering. But Trump cultist believe people are an expendable commodity and are willing to sacrifice you and your loved-ones lives so others can get about their economic business—you know, buying useless shit to enrich billionaires like the Waltons of Walmart who don’t pay a living wage, offer health insurance, or provide paid sick leave to their thousands and thousands of employees.

Trump WILL let your family die. His lawyers are fighting in court today—as the coronavirus rages on—to abolish the Affordable Care Act. Millions will be thrown off insurance, at the same time a bill for a coronavirus-hospital stay costs more than $35,000–even if you die! Believe me, as Trump likes to say, his coronavirus pandemic response is ALL about Trump’s bottom line. (Does Jared have those for-profit testing-site drive-throughs ready yet? And how about the $500 Billion big-business bail-out? Do you REALLY think Steve M’nuch would deny his buddy a cut?! They previewed exactly what they planned to do with the money when they demanded transactions be SECRET even as Trump declined to say he’d decline the money.)

This behavior isn’t new.


Keep reading if you want the story of how Trump denied his own sick nephew health insurance and medical coverage.

Excerpt from Douchebag Wisdom: Dealing with Donald Trump, Chapter 11, Scrooge Trump

Trump’s Own Ghost of the Past

“As for you, nephew, if you were in my will, I’d disinherit you!” said Scrooge to his nephew, Fred.

That could have been Donald Trump talking to his own family, for real, according to David Cay Johnston in his book, The Making of Donald Trump. Johnston, a Pulitzer-winning journalist has studied Trump for decades. My condolences, Dave: tough gig. Entertaining for sure, until somebody gets hurt.

Donald Trump IS Ebenezer Scrooge. He is a disgustingly selfish, revengeful human being. Trump knowingly and intentionally cut off health insurance from is own nephew who suffered from seizures and was eventually diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Here’s a portion of the story as reported by Johnston.

In 1999, Trump’s Father, Fred Sr., passed away. According to Johnston, Fred Sr. had written a Will after the death of his oldest son, Fred Jr., in 1981. That Will left the majority of Fred Sr.’s wealth to Donald and his surviving siblings. Fred Jr.’s family was largely cut out. Fred Jr.’s family sued saying Donald Trump had undue influence in that decision since Fred Sr. was suffering from dementia at the time he wrote the Will.

While Fred Sr. was alive, medical insurance and coverage had consistently been provided to Freddy Jr.’s family through Fred Str.’s company. This coverage was so crucial for Fred Sr.’s grandson who suffered from seizures that Trump Sr.’s lawyer sent a letter to the insurer after Fred Str.’s death in 1999 stating all costs for the child’s care should be covered regardless of caps on the plan.

Despite his father’s wishes, Donald Trump took action and canceled the coverage. Trump is quoted as saying, “Why should we give him medical coverage? They sued my father, essentially. I’m not thrilled when someone sues my father.”

Eventually, Trump settled the lawsuit. Did Baby Trump end up with medical coverage? We’ll never know. The settlement agreement is sealed.

You might read that passage and want to think Trump did the right thing, but we’ll never know, because, like his taxes and all other financial dealings–the numbers and truth are hidden!

And now back to the current day Coronavirus Crisis being mismanaged by Donald J Trump, the worst president in the history of the United States! God protect us all. Thank God and the Universe the Democrats put language in the new stimulus bill that says we must know where the money is going. (I personally want Elizabeth Warren on this task.)

Lima Bravo

#LoquaciousLima  #TrumpVirus2020  #TrumpPandemic  #Coronavirus

Optimism, Pessimism and Coronavirus

We need both: Optimism and Pessimism

People, fellow Americans, friends, family, and neighbors! To anyone tuned in and listening, “Houston, we have a problem,” but one that is solvable!

Insert your own paragraph here about the American Spirit, working together, and our “can do” attitude, because that’s what it’s going to take to get us through the Coronavirus pandemic. And, in case you haven’t been paying attention, it is a problem to US citizens and all inhabitants of the world.

Both optimists and pessimists will have different perspectives, but how we go about solving the problem—our attitude of being focused on the positive as opposed to focusing on the negative–our attitudes are not as important as coming together to solve the problem. I don’t need you to put a smile on your face and downplay the danger of Coronavirus, and I don’t need you to be a panic-driven pessimist and stockpile 100 rolls of toilet paper, I just need you to DO YOUR PART!

Many will downplay it; others will get it, live through it, carry and spread it; and others will die from it. This next week, and how we as a society react, will determine the outcome. Our number one problem? Too many coronavirus patients overwhelming our Hospitals, ERs, and emergency personnel because they need help breathing. That sounds pretty pessimistic. But our health system is not equipped to handle a huge influx of patients.

Look at Italy! Italians are reaching out via Twitter and Facebook and warning Americans NOT to take Coronavirus for granted as they lose more and more of their loved ones to the virus. That is NOT pessimism. That’s a blatant warning based on experience and the loss of life.

Did you see the pictures of the airports as Trump’s travel ban brought thousands of US citizens back home in a rushed panic?! Thousands and thousands of US citizens were funneled through thirteen US airports. One American citizen reported standing shoulder-to-shoulder with fellow travelers for six hours to get their luggage and another two to four hours of standing with sneezing, coughing companions waiting to pass through customs—where NO Coronavirus testing had been set-up DESPITE the lies being told by Donald Trump.

US Citizens returning to Chicago’s O’Hare after Trump’s travel ban.

This is the problem. THIS is the moment we all dreaded when Trump took office: that he would put his interests ahead of those of the American people. He keeps information from us deliberately, intentionally. This is NOT a lack of leadership like many think. THIS IS TRUMP LEADING US, SELLING OUT AMERICAN LIVES FOR MONEY! Trump is deliberately sourcing this problem to the private sector.

Trump turned down the Coronavirus test kits offered to the US by the World Health Organization. Why?! For money, for business, for capitalism, for greed. Trump’s big pharma buddies are getting patents for developing testing kits; Jared Kushner’s brother’s healthcare company is involved with setting-up drive-through testing facilities. That took a bit of time to get organized.

And, who foots the bill? With the passage of a half-ass Families First Bill, the Federal government will foot the bill. That means our tax dollars are going straight to Trump et all. Does that make Trump and his accomplices optimists, pessimists or mere opportunists and greedy capitalists? It doesn’t matter now. Once Trump is out of office his criminal negligence will be investigated. Now? We MUST address the problem, the virus, and encourage people to stay home. Optimists AND pessimists alike.

Here is Google’s PSA as of 3.15.2020, “Do the five.”

  1. HANDS Wash them often
  2. ELBOW Cough into it
  3. FACE Don’t touch it
  4. FEET Stay more than 3ft apart
  5. FEEL sick? Stay home

Let me add a couple of my own:

  • Do one thing daily to grow smarter and stronger (if you’re an optimist);
  • Or not (if you’re a pessimist), why bother?
  • ASK yourself: How can I be part of the solution?   

 German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said,

“A pessimist is an optimist in full possession of the facts.”

That sounds about right but it downplays the necessity of pessimism in our lives. Remember, pessimism created the parachute. I predict good things can come if we learn, grow, and keep improving and striving for all creatures and the planet.

I’m mostly an optimist, but the more time I have to think about our challenge with the coronavirus and the people at risk, the less optimistic I become. I have to stop focusing on Trump’s incompetence and greed and focus on what I can do to help. Like Barb McQuade, I will focus on the positive. She sure sounds optimistic on Twitter:   

@Barb McQuade

Despite Trump’s fumbles, America is stepping up in response to #COVID-19 and remembering who we are. We are resilient, compassionate, creative, and helpful.

8:26 AM 14 Mar 20

She attached this opinion column.  

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam greets staff at the Richmond Community Hospital on Friday morning before discussing the coronavirus with hospital doctors. (Timothy C. Wright/For the Washington Post)

That’s a pretty optimistic take on Coronavirus, but if the virus claims lives in the US like in Italy, we’ll lose many. It’s hard to stay positive when grieving. It’s hard not to let pessimism settle in. They both must be used to move forward.

We’ll need both, optimism and pessimism to solve this problem, to heal and recover as a nation, to disrupt the status quo and create a better world for us all.

All are needed in this campaign. Pessimists and Optimists … (not at all) alike.


Wake the Monster

Tick tock, tick tock. Can you feel it?


Tick tock, tick tock. Can you hear it?


Tick tock, tick tock. RRRAAAARRRRRHHHHHH! Get up. Right friggin’ now!


Don’t hit the snooze. The world needs you right now. You! Right now.


You’re thinking, “All right, I’ll help, yeah Trump is a disaster, he’s gotta go. But I’ve got time.” And you hit the snooze, not once, but TWICE.


THEN you turn the alarm off all-together and think, “Someone else will do it, surely someone else will do it. There are people out there getting paid to do it. Yeah, it’s not my job. Someone else has got this.” You try to go back to sleep.


Tick tock, tick tock. The alarm is OFF but time ticks on. Tick tock, tick tock.


“It’s TIME” you hear again and again in your head. The Monster won’t let you sleep.


You can’t run; you can’t hide.


The Monster is YOU! And the issue that upsets you most:

  • Election interference
  • Deconstruction of Government Agencies
  • Illegal prosecution of Trump’s enemies
  • Immigrants in detention centers; children separated from their parents
  • Abandoning our allies overseas
  • Endangering our enlisted military and their families
  • Abandoning our Vets
  • Cutting food stamps and healthcare
  • Rolling back women and lgbtq rights
  • Corporations polluting our drinking water
  • Selling of our National Parks to highest bidders
  • Profiting off our military and self-dealing

There are a dozen more reasons and causes to wake you up! PICK ONE!


Get up! Not because you HAVE to but because you WANT to


You ARE part of the solution and it is TIME to educate some voters and register some new ones. It’s time to get involved! It’s TIME to save the planet and the people.


Wake up YOU MONSTER YOU! Tick tock.


Now go get some coffee and WAKE UP YOUR MONSTER FRIENDS! Tick tock.


#VoteBlueNoMatterWho  #VoteForDemocrats   #TheAssYouSaveMayBeYourOwn   #BeAMonster  #WakeTheMonster




Lima Bravo




Russia in the White House

Lie, cheat, steal. It was a hostile takeover of the US government by Donald Trump and the Russians. The compromised GOP aided and abetted it all.

Donald Trump shortly after taking office with comrades Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister and Sergey Kislyak, a senior Russian diplomat–in our Oval Office telling the Russians he’s “unconcerned” that Russia helped him win!
As Nancy Pelosi said, “All roads lead to Putin.”

Trump dismissed all reports by 17 of our own US intelligence agencies, including the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA who all said Russia clearly interfered to get Trump elected. Trump said “we” (meaning the US Government) did it all the time. And that’s the problem. THAT’S Trump’s idea of MOB diplomacy.

That’s the way it’s done in Trump’s amoral America, no maybe about it, but that’s not how it’s done in a democratic and just United States.* (*Tell that to people of color. A fair and just US has never been their story. See #whitegirlprivilege for more on that.) To this day, Trump
defends Putin saying Russia wasn’t involved. Putin has point-blank omitted he did it: that Russia influenced the election, and he’s made it clear he’ll do it again in 2020. Putin made fun at our expense. “It’s a secret” he joked when asked if he was helping Trump. Russia is targeting US citizens to influence the 2020 election. Trump encourages it. Republicans ignore it.

And right now Trump is illegally extorting Ukraine! President Zelensky must dig up dirt on the Biden’s or they don’t get their money—$415 million–to fight Russia!! Trump’s treachery is right out in the open! He is actively working with Putin to continue the invasion of Ukraine. This brazen display of cheating and stealing has been in the open from the beginning.

That same day, in the White House, as the comrades slapped backs and toasted Putin’s victory, Trump told Putin’s Puppets he fired that “nut job Comey,” referring to James Comey, head of the FBI. Trump expected the Russia investigation would fail after that, but instead it heated up when Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller, III head of the Special Counsel. Mueller went on to report in April of 2019 that Trump and his campaign team had numerous, hundreds of contacts with the Russians, all hell-bent on getting Trump elected. Mueller said we are being attacked by the Russians with a disinformation campaign that continues today. But fat-fuck corrupt Bill Bar rewrote history when he dismissed Mueller’s findings as insignificant. Apparently, Mueller wasn’t “Hollywood” enough for most news anchors and they completely dismissed the findings.

The Impeachment Hearings are making it clear: Trump extorted Ukraine. And, we are under assault by Putin’s disinformation campaign.
Putin intends to keep Trump in office and—with the help of Facebook and Mitch McConnell who won’t allow election security bills to pass. The Russians are ramming Trump down our throats and bashing all other candidates. Trump and Putin are controlling the narrative. The words coming out of Trump’s mouth are Putin’s words.

Perhaps this meeting is where the comrades came up with the scheme to implicate Ukraine as the hackers of the 2016 election. THAT’S
Putin’s idea. Those are Putin’s stories. Straight FICTION. And Trump is pushing the narrative.

The only reason we have this photo is because of Russia Media; our own US press was shut out of the meeting. What else was discussed? Rigging of 2020?

Yuck it up, Donald Trump, you Traitor.

Have faith all of us that believe in Democracy. Trump’s time is coming. Just remember, when notified he was under investigation for working with the Russians, Trump, in his own words said,

“This is terrible. I’m fucked.”

#DonaldTrumpIsARussianTool  #ProtectThe2020Election #HindSightIs2020


Lima Bravo


Fakebook Lies

Trump and Zuckerberg are working together to spread lies.

Mark Zuckerberg is all grown-up, and he’s aligned himself with money. How disappointing.

In his testimony to Congress, he hid behind the guise of free speech and 1st Amendment rights trying to make us believe he’s for the little guy who just wants to speak his mind. But behind that philosophy is billions of dollars and the chance to be Gringotts, keeper of the money. If you google “Facebook, Libra, and cryptocurrency,” you’ll read more about Zuckerberg’s long game. He wants Facebook to be the mechanism behind billions of online financial transactions in the new cryptocurrency market.

And he’s willing to help Trump spread lies to achieve that goal!

If you want to know more about HOW Trump is a Russian asset and Zuck a Russian tool, get the details from #LoquaciousLindee’s blog.   


Seriously. Click that link above! Educate yourself! And then use Facebook accordingly. But DON’T believe everything you see and read—especially from anyone named Trump.  

As for me? I intend to use Facebook as the tool it is, and help people understand that you are being bombarded with lies from Donald Trump and his campaign. Question everything you see and read on Facebook.



2019 Word-of-the-Year: Douché!


dou·​ché | \ dü-ˈshā  \

Definition of douché

informed and clever comeback when verbally sparring with a douchebag

Examples of douché in a Sentence

Donald Trump and his Administration are detaining thousands of brown people at
the US/Mexico border. These immigrants are locked in cages and are denied basic
human needs such as soap and
The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
ruled against Trump stating clearly and unequivocally: immigrants need better
living conditions. They need soap and water. Douche!

Another example of douché:

Trump administration to weaken endangered species protections in favor of fossil fuels. It’s likely the eagle that attacked Trump knew he was a douchebag. Douché!

First Known Use of douché

2019, when exhausted American citizens began challenging the hateful, ignorant policies of Donald Trump and his followers. See Lima Bravo on

History and Etymology for douché

American English mashup of the French words “touché” + “douche,” touché referring to scoring a point and douche referring to a douchebag, an ignorant, rude person.

#douché #douchebagwisdom

Trump Movie Villains

Trump Movie Villains

Donald Trump is a master of deceit. The Washington Post has documented over 12,000 lies he’s told since taking office. That’s an average of 12 per day. He’s a modern-day super-villain with no redeeming qualities.

He’s the villain we all hate. NOT, “LOVE” to hate, but hate. His putrid, racist rhetoric is washing over us all. Violence is up 266% in cities where he holds hate rallies. What can we do to stop him?!

LEARN about Trump’s filthy, destructive policies by reading or listening to Douchebag Wisdom: Dealing with Donald Trump. And then get involved! You’ll find ideas at the end of each chapter. What’s your cause? Mother Earth and climate change? The assault on human rights, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights? The stealing of the Supreme Court? The ramp-up of the war machine as he collaborates with Russia and Saudi Arabia?! That fact that Trump is a rapist and a racist?! Pick your poison. His vileness in on display.

Spread the word, educate your friends, talk politics, and discuss the issues. And then VOTE for Democrats!  #VoteDems2020

The ass you save may be your own!

Download Trump Movie Villain poster FREE!

Compliments of Lima Bravo, #LoquaciousLima

Trump Tower Moscow

Donald Trump repeatedly said he had NO dealings with Russia “whatsoever.” He lied! Are you surprised?

Trump pursued Trump Tower Moscow well into his presidential run. He instructed his attorney, Michael Cohen, to continue negotiations with Putin’s people–even offering Putin the exclusive penthouse suite! He instructed Cohen to continue covering for his deception. Cohen is now in jail for lying to the Special Counsel. “Individual 1,” aka Donald Douchebag Trump, continues to fuck-up the world one deranged tweet at a time. His homage to the almighty dollar and to his Russian comrades compromises the safety of every American! Putin owns Trump.

Bob Mueller says we are still under attack by the Russians, and Trump made it clear in an interview from the Oval Office he welcomes the intrusion–and he’d take help again. He sees nothing wrong with getting assistance–including CASH–from a foreign power. Trump is compromised. He’s a Russian stooge.

This is NOT a friggin’ reality show! Don’t sit idly by. Vow to get involved:


Democracy depends on YOU!  Vote November 3, 2020!

#LoquaciousLima #TrumpIsGuiltyAF #DonaldTrumpMakesMeCuss